

  • It is advisable to meet with your academic advisor to review your degree evaluation and scheduling options. 有些课程可能不是每学期都开设.
  • Some courses have pre-requisites that must be completed successfully before you are able to participate in the class. 学生 are allowed conditional enrollment for such courses so long as the pre-requisite(s) are in process at the time of registration. The university reserves the right to automatically withdraw a student from a course if the pre-requisite(s) were not met. 先决条件在课程大纲和学术目录中列出.
  • 12个学分被认为是传统本科学生的全日制状态. 学生 planning to graduate in four years need to average between 15 and 18 credits during both fall and spring semesters, 或者可以在夏季学期获得学分.
  • 根据本科目录,18个学分是你可以承担的最大负荷. 注册超过18个学分的学生将被收取超额学费.


New and returning students must clear holds on their student record due to outstanding 学费 payments, 财政援助文件不完整, 不完整的健康信息, 失踪的成绩单, 或者违章停车. 持有签证的学生将不被允许搬进学生宿舍, 更改课程安排, 或者注册课程. 您的帐户随时可能被保留,因此请定期检查是否有保留.

  1. 登录到 学生门户
  2. 点击横幅自助服务
  3. 点击学生
  4. 点击学生记录
  5. 点击“视图保持”

收银员的办公室: 734-995-7586
注册处: 734-995-7413

当你到达学校时,如果正规赌博十大网站账户仍然有保留, plan to visit the office responsible for the hold before moving into student housing or attending classes.


学生将使用 学生门户. It is recommended and encouraged for ALL students to make an appointment with their academic advisor to review schedules prior to registering.



课程长度 添加截止日期
12到16周 学生 may add a course up to the end of the 2nd week; however, instructor approval must be provided to the 注册商’s Office or the student’s Academic Advisor if a student wants to add a class in the 2nd week.
6 - 8周 学生可以在第一周结束前增加一门课程. 不需要教练批准.
< 6周 学生必须在开课日期前注册. 一旦课程开始,注册将不再可用.

在“添加”课程期间,学术顾问可以协助更改课程安排. After the ‘Add’ period, all schedule changes must be done through the 注册商’s Office.

下降/退出政策 & 最后期限


A class ‘Drop’ is a change in registration prior to a student attending or participating in a course. A class ‘Withdraw’ is a change in registration after a student has started attending or participating.

取决于课程交付情况, 出勤率定义为在课堂上坐着的时间(面对面的课程), 可评分的作业提交(在线课程), 和/或与讲师进行实时视频会议的时间(虚拟课程).


开始参加一节课后, a student may request to withdraw up to the withdraw deadline for the term (see chart below). 学生 should not assume the university will withdraw them for non-payment of fees or for non-attendance. In the event of a withdraw, the student’s transcript will reflect a withdraw (‘W’) for the course. “W”不是成绩,也不会影响学生的总GPA. A student participating in a course past the withdrawal deadline is not eligible for a withdrawal and will be assessed a final grade.

课程长度 收到“W”的截止日期
16周 第十周结束
12周 第八周结束
8周 第五周结束
6周 第四周结束
4周 第三周结束
3周 第二周结束

注意: 学生退学的时机对学业和经济都有影响. 学生 who withdraw from a course may not re-enroll in the same course section during the same term or semester. 学生 should meet with their academic advisor and 金融援助 counselor prior to making changes as withdrawing from a course may have ramifications for student status, 经济援助资格, 运动员的资格, 或者程序进度. 请参阅 学费 & 费用页面 for details regarding the potential academic and financial implications of withdrawing from a course.



The University reserves the right to administratively withdraw a student from a course for one of the following reasons:

  • 未能在规定时间内开课
  • 不遵守考勤制度(1).e. 过度的缺席)
  • 纪律原因(i).e. 学术欺骗)

学生 administratively withdrawn from a course for failure to begin or excessive absence may not re-enroll in the same course section during the same term or semester. The student is responsible for any academic, financial, or athletic consequences that may result. 请参阅 学费 & 费用 page for details regarding the potential academic and financial implications of being administratively withdrawn from a course.


注册截止日期严格执行. 康考迪亚的政策是学生不能因为错过最后期限而请愿. 请查看学术日历,了解添加/退出的截止日期. 如果你不能自己改变日程安排, 请向注册处索取所需表格.


学生 who wish to cease coursework and withdraw completely from the University must notify their academic advisor and 金融援助 counselor prior to making changes as withdrawing from the institution may have implications for student status, 金融援助, 以及正规赌博十大网站的运动资格或项目进展.

如果在退课时积极参加课程作业, the student will be removed from all coursework and last date of attendance will be used to determine course grades and financial responsibility following the university’s 学费 refund policies. 在取款被完全处理之前,任何未偿余额必须全部支付. 学生是否希望在以后的时间回到他/她的课程, 必须重新申请大学录取.

连续两个学期缺课的学生, 并且没有通知学校他们打算中途离开的学生, 会因不参加活动而被退学吗. 学生 will be required to reapply to the University if they wish to resume coursework.


学生 who are seriously injured/ill and cannot continue in coursework due to medical necessity may be eligible for a medical withdrawal. 学生 must contact their academic advisor to request a withdrawal and discuss the extenuating circumstances. Medical documentation must be provided within 30 days of the student’s notification of withdrawal. 医疗文件将由教务长办公室审查.

如果获得医疗许可, the last date of attendance will be used to determine financial responsibility following the university’s 学费 refund policies. 该学生在所有活跃课程中都将获得“W”. 如果不允许医疗退出, 学费, room and board responsibility and a grade for courses will follow the university’s 学费 refund policies. 在治疗结束后返回之前, 学生必须重新向大学申请,并完成健康与保健会议. 学生 will not be authorized for a medical withdrawal more than once during their enrollment at Concordia.


希望暂时停止课程学习的学生, 但计划在正规赌博十大网站注册, 可以在学期结束后申请临时休学最多两个学期吗. 学生 must contact their academic advisor and 金融援助 counselor prior to requesting a stop out, 因为旷课可能会影响学生的学习状况, 经济援助资格, 运动员的资格, 或者程序进度.

Prior to returning to coursework, the student may be required to reapply to his/her program. 学生 who do not return to the University within two consecutive semesters must reapply to the University. 学生 required to reapply will be subject to the program requirements and policies under the current academic catalog.


学生可以在网站上查看学习记录的详细信息 CUAA门户. They may view unofficial transcripts and perform a degree audit to track progress toward degree completion. 学生也可以查看他们的主修、辅修、班级水平和指导老师.